A community news source for residents of the HarriOak neighborhood in Oakland, CA.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Traffic Enforcement Update

The City of Oakland took a step toward addressing the chronic problems of speeding traffic on Oakland Avenue and Harrison Streets by installing a permanent solar-powered speed-feedback sign on Oakland Avenue. Police officers also cracked down on speeders on April 15, 16, 17, 18, 20 and on May 9, issuing 21 citations and 2 warnings. One vehicle was towed.

Just a friendly reminder to drive the speed limit when passing through the neighborhood! Also, if you see speeders or dangerous drivers please call 510-238-3155 and press 8. Also, please email Stacey Perry of OPD at sperry@oaklandnet.com and request more enforcement. The emails are important because they document the problem and will help the city justify a request for state funding to re-engineer portions of the street in order to promote traffic calming.

Finally, there's an update on the CalTrans grant for studying traffic calming solutions on Harrison Street and Oakland Avenue.

Alisa Shen, the city planner who is overseeing the process said the city is talking with Design, Commmunity and Environment, a well-regarded firm with expertise in planning and community participation, to handle the contract. Shen said the city is in the process of negotiating scope and budget with DC&E and hopes to have something finalized by mid July. Once that's done, the project can finally begin. Shen promised to keep us all posted and estimates the overall planning process will take 10-14 months.

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